Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

Keep Food Supply for Inflation Press

Keep Food Supply for Inflation Press - Inflation in August it can rise sharply with the Eid al-Fitr which increases the number of requests. The large amount of money in circulation contribute to the rate of inflation.

Members of the House Commission XI Budimanta Arif asked the government to maintain the supply of food as a contributor to inflation, by applying strict regulations. This was done so that inflation does not rise sharply in August.

"Actually this has happened every year. Government should keep the inflation rate experienced in the month of Ramadan," Arif said here on Sunday, August 7, 2011.

Inflation in July was recorded at 0.67 percent. As for inflation from January-July 2011 reached 1.74 percent, while annual inflation (July 2010-July 2011) of 4.61 percent.

With a large contribution to inflation, food supplies must be ensured by strict regulations. Regulations that include setting and distribution of food commodities that have a major contribution as a driver of inflation.

"With the assurance of availability, it helps curb inflation. Speculator also will not try to profit by exploiting the situation," said Arif.

Previously, Director of Research and Monetary Policy Bank Indonesia Perry Warjiyo said that inflation in August is estimated a bit high. This relates to the month of Ramadan, which usually are characterized by somewhat higher inflation compared to the months usually.

"But we expect, will be lower than the month before Ramadan," said Perry.

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